All kids love a holiday camp mainly because they spend most of the year going from home to school to extracurricular activities, we also need them to break free once in a while. School holidays can also be a tough time to manage for working parents who don’t want their kids stuck at home with helpers or constantly indulging in screen time. Many parents often confess they feel guilty because they are not able to entertain their kids during school holidays because of time and money restraints. Any parent who has had to entertain kids in Phuket during a long summer holiday can confirm this is a challenge. School holidays offer the perfect opportunity for kids to break free in an environment that is supervised.
Mid-term breaks are a time for students to step back and refresh from the initial few months of the academic year. While many families use this opportunity to explore Thailand, or other locations in the region (and beyond!), a great deal of our community makes the choice to stay in Phuket.
Phuket camps for kids are such great fun and are a wonderful opportunity to engage your children with learning, growth and… fun!
We collect and organize information from a great list of recommended kids camp providers across the Phuket in order to create a guide that is as comprehensive as possible.
* Remember to check-in regularly as more camps are added daily and we are busy creating a great list of family friendly Spookacular Halloween events.
Blue Tree Tutorial And Language School

Happy Kids Phuket Center

The Genius Language School Phuket

Arts & Crafts
The Waldorf Phuket

A Little Club

Cooking for Kids Phuket

Music Dance & Drama
Abstract Kids Drama

A Little Club

Science & Tech Skills & Games
Gymboree Play & Music Phuket

Youtopia Adventure Playground & Social Club

Sports & Outside Activities
Gymnastic Club Phuket

MACA Flying Trapeze & Aerial Arts Academy

Phuket Vagabonds Rugby Academy

Phuket Yacht Club

Rush Sports Academy Thailand

Schools that offer Varied Camps
BCIS Phuket

First Step School Phuket

HeadStart International School Chaofah City Campus

Kajonkiet International School Phuket